Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Update: Jibby Still Want's a Job

So, I've decided that Firehouse probably wasn't going to be the better choice. It seems like Stone shares a lot of the same philosophy on brewing and on food that I have, especially on food. I see a lot of people complaining that the menu prices are too high and the service takes too long, but Stone lets diners know beforehand they are part of an upcoming subculture of what has been called "slow food nation", and that they will take a little longer to prepare, and prices are going to be a little higher because of the selection. Myself, I've been a vegetarian for going on half of my life, and really hate seeing burgers served in under thirty seconds. It's not that I disagree with eating meat, but I do think that maybe you should have a little respect for the food by taking time to prepare it properly. By doing this, you're not also going to benefit from the aesthetics, but also healthier food.
But, anyhow. I really hope I get this job. It would be a great sort of internship that would get my new career rolling in the right direction.

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